Monday, December 3, 2012

Childbirth Courses

I have been asked this question many times before- "Which childbirth course would you recommend my partner and I take?" My response to this question  is this: They are all fantastic! I don't  believe that there is any one course that works better than others. Childbirth is a very  instinctual and  natural process. You do what you need to in order to bring your child into this world. In most everything in life, you are given tools in order to succeed. There is no exception when it comes to birth. Each and every class taught gives you valuable information in order to achieve the birth you are desiring. I have taken many childbirth courses over the years to prepare  for my own births as well as taking courses in my training to become a doula. As I enter into the birthing suite with a couple, I bring along each and every technique I have learned in my training's. Just as birth is instinctual for the mom, it is just as instinctual for me as their doula. I do what I feel would help at that moment, whether that be using the  HypnoBirthing, HypnoBabies, Brio birth, Bradley method, Lamaze etc.

I have a fellow doula friend who is also a childbirth instructor. She offers a fantastic course in childbirth that encompasses just about every method of childbirth out there  into one six week series. It is truly amazing. As I stated before, I believe that each and every course teaches valuable information which can help tremendously in achieving the birth one is desiring. The best part? She is offering this class FREE of charge. She has an available opening for one more couple. The series begins tomorrow ( Tuesday, December 4th) in Cedar Hills, Utah. If you are interested, click here for more information on how to get started and learn how to "Birth Like a Rockstar!"  And, if I can be of any help to you, contact me. I would love to chat with you.

Best of luck to you as you embark on your journey of finding a childbirth course that best suits you.