Monday, July 16, 2012

Am I doing this right?

"Am I doing this right?"  Was the question my last momma asked as she was laboring to bring her first child into this world. I think there are so many wonderful childbirth classes out there that teach fantastic concepts. However, at times as a woman is laboring, she will do what feels right to her at the time. And what feels right to her may go against everything that was taught to her in her childbirth classes. That is OK. It is right for her. What works for one woman, doesn't for another and visa versa. Birth is very instinctual. You do what feels right to you. There is no right or wrong way to birth a baby. As long as you are fearless, confident, loved and supported, you will successfully birth your baby. And it will be a miraculous birth-day.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Photo: Doulas, our job rocks. :)

This is the quote I thought of last night as I was called away to help a laboring mom. It was 2:45 am. She needed more than a doula. She needed a mother figure, a friend, a companion, a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear. You see, her husband was out of town on business. He wasn't due to arrive for another 12 hours and baby was well on her way-  it was clear that dad was not going to make it in time for his daughters birth. Her mother was at home caring for her 15 month old baby. Together we cried, laughed, chatted about life and children and quoted movie lines. This is why I love what I do. I love being able to serve women as they are doing one of the most important things they can do- give birth to new life. I am in total awe of this woman. She was strong- amazingly strong. I was honored to be able to be there for her when she needed it most.  Each one of my "momma's" empower me each and every time I go to visit with them and especially as they are giving birth. I love being a doula!