Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Placenta Encapsulation

When you first think of Placenta encapsulation one may feel a bit grossed out, or perhaps have the question, what benefits does it really have? I am here to tell you, encapsulating your placenta after birth has remarkable benefits. To name a few, it helps with controlling one's postpartum bleeding as well as helping the  uterus contract down to a pre-pregnancy size,  stimulates milk production and levels out hormones, giving you energy when you need it most! Now, I am not sure about you, but, if I was given the chance to experience all of my births again, placenta encapsulation would be top on my list! And there is better news! Usually, whomever is encapsulating your placenta will typically come to your home and bring everything they need to complete the process with them. It  takes just hours and the benefits are remarkable. If you are wanting more information on Placenta Encapsulation, email me. I have a few contacts I would recommend to you.  I urge you to read more about it and discover for yourself whether or not placenta encapsulation is right for you.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Creating Families

This powerful quote hit home for me.

“The birth of a baby is the birth of family. Myriad births take place at once: Women become mothers, husbands become fathers, daughters become sisters, and sons become brothers. One birth ripples through generations, creating subtle shifts and rearrangements in the family web.” –Gayle Peterson

As I think about my role as a doula,  I am honored and completely humbled to be able to take part in such a sacred, intimate, memorable time in a couples life. To each and every one of my "momma's" I say, thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, for allowing me to serve you. I am in awe of every single one of you.